
Why is "taking out queen early" considered bad ?


The title says it all, I'm wondering why people consider it bad to take out queen early in the game ? I found it to be very useful for early attacks and winning material..


It is bad bcause if the opponent knows what he's doing, he could get a huge developmental advantage without losing anything.


watch you don't get your ass kicked doing that. I wish you good luck doing that, cause you're going to need it.

pason_p escribió:

Don't be such a Debbie Downer.  Like we said if its good enuf for Naka it should be good enuf for you.

Only if you are as good as Naka.

pason_p wrote:

Don't be such a Debbie Downer.  Like we said if its good enuf for Naka it should be good enuf for you.



Everyone knows it's less than best... which is why Naka used it for psychological reasons.  For him it's just 1 tempo, which white can afford to give... just retreat the queen back to a reasonable square at some point.  At GM level it means a little bit... at least Naka used it to get a draw against a lower rated player 8 or so years ago.

For a beginner, 1 tempo is probably worth nearly nothing (although you probably wont retreat it to a reasonable square and leave it there heh).  But anyway, sure, make as many threats as you can as often as possible.  Your beginner opponent will miss one sooner or later and you'll win something.  But against players who can see threats consistently you have to start thinking about strategy.  Against these players you'll see clearly that moving the same piece over and over wastes time.

Because the queen is the most valuable, any piece can force her to move.


pason_p = parham troll gang, bring it on musacha.


Here's a pretty compelling reason to watch what you do with your Queen. This player got burned bad 7 moves into the game. Not only does black lose his Queen, but white has three fully developed pieces, and is already attacking the black king.


Do as you please. Let the hand of fate sort out the good moves!

chessgm003 wrote:

The title says it all, I'm wondering why people consider it bad to take out queen early in the game ? I found it to be very useful for early attacks and winning material..

Bringing your Queen out early wastes time and violates general principles when your Queen is running away and dodging capture in the opening your opponent will be developing very rapidly putting  his or her forces on the best optimal squares when the smoke clears they'll have a full mobilized army and you'll have nothing on the board they'll tear you apart.

Your Queen can be trapped, pinned, skewered subject to other tactics all it takes is for you to make one mistake and boom.

There's no forgiveness for unnecessarily violating principles like Black did here!


Early development of the queen is wrong all the time, every time.

Except for the exceptions.

varelse1 wrote:

Early development of the queen is wrong all the time, every time.

Except for the exceptions.

yeah like when she's not actually your queen. you know? right? 

(I stole your precious btw)


Nice replies guys, now i understand why it's not so good to develop queen early in the game :)


That's how we roll.Cool


In Blitz, it might be not that bad because the opponent has to think more and therefore spend some time. But after making 1-2 correct moves, your opponent will get many tempos on the queen.