
Best way to improve.


I'm a (1600 standard rating) player and would like to improve. Where should I focusing most of my atension? Tactics, strategy, opening, end game or simply playing more games?


Chess is 100000% tactics


I may not be the most qualified person to answer your question; I find myself in a similar position. This being true, I have searched for the best ways to improve and have had mild success. Every source I have has said that reviewing your own games, at any time control, is one of the largest parts of improving your game. Another is to review the games of other players and reviewing them again later on. This reminds you of what you saw earlier and what you are seeing now that you weren't before, reminding you of more recent things that you have learned. There are more certain activities that I could tell you about, but they are unimportant. In my own experience, the most successful strategy for improving is to take it slow. If you set your goal at becoming a grandmaster, as many beginning chess players do, you will be immediately let down. It takes years and years to make that type of improvement. Taking solace in small victories can help you stay focused and keen for improvement.


Chess is memory, you could be a GM in a year if you wished to work really hard.

It would involve 4 hours a day of memorisation tactics until you had the equivalent of an eidetic memory.

Then you just memorise every GM game ever played for the last 150 years and every rule, tactic.

And so after a year or two you are easily an IM. Still what a waste of time imo.

n5454 wrote:

you could be a GM in a year 


He'd be the first to accomplish this.


What do you do now to improve your game?