
Chess Draw By Repetition Questions


i feel cheated out of the tournament that i played,
though its too late now.
the games position repeated 3 times with my queen checking the black king and his queen was not able to block. given if it was i would be in check and i would be forced to exchange queens and he would march is pass pawn into promotion before i could get my side pawns to march.

i called over the chess judge (this was a regional chess tournament for my school) the judge said that i was wrong for calling it a draw and said "it is only if the set moves repeated 3 times in a row and if another move happened then it wouldn't be even if the moves ended up in the same position" and he showed me on the board. i replied to him i think the rules say if the pieces are in the same position 3 times with the same colour to move, does not matter how they got there the game is a draw. He said this was false and told us to play on.

Confused i move my queen into a position that the other queen could block while checking my king and black (my opponent) went on to winning the game.

what do you guys think?
was i in the right or wrong for trying to declare a draw.
was the judge right for making his decision? 

unfortually i do not remeber the excat postion but something close to it.

Any responce helping providing insight would help!
Thank you and Good Luck in future games!


You were definitly right with declaring a draw because the rules are exactly like you said. It is really sad that there are referees with such little chess knowledge.


The judge clearly does not know the rules. You need to appeal right now. You may get your draw.

What an idiot for a judge..


I would say appeal because that is a draw


I dont think its worth presuing this error by the judge because it has been two weeks since the tourament. plus i dont think the judge was a profesional because it is a school sponsored event and they said in the rules once the game is done and the players shake hands and agree upon a outcome the game is finished and cant be changed.
i guess i have to study up and become better for next years tourtament in grade 12!
Thanks guys you have been a huge help and next time ill be aware of the rules! Good luck on all of your guy's games!