
Further Iphone app issues yet to be fixed



As the topic suggested

many issues..

videos - sometimes the screen turn completely black but the audio continues

videos- sometimes stops and stuck, then turn black and you could do nothing beside uninstall and install back...

videos- unable to recover the video progress after answering a call

general- sometimes the refreshing game doesnt stop and unable to go into game

general- crashing issue still occurs....


Please fix this asap and release new version... thanks


When you installing new app on your device, do you delete the previous one
from device or not? Because there might be some cache, just in case delete the old one
before the installation of the newest.

Unfortunately audio but no video is actually normal for when a member is on a
bad connection or the connection isn't strong at the time of viewing the videos -

Are you able to send me a  screenshot of what you're seeing please?

Can you read this please on  what to do after an iPhone Crash