
Glicko RD


What does Glicko Rd means? What is it used for?


Posted in another topic about this was a nice explanation:

"Glicko is a rating sysem. RD= rating deviation. As a person plays more games the RD lowers under the assumption that the more games played, the more accurate the rating. if a person doesn't play much over a period of time, the RD will increase slowly. So you can look at a person's RD to determine how accurate his rating is. But also, you can look at his RD to determine how many points you'll win/lose by playing him. If he has a high RD (somewhat inaccurate) lose to him will affect you less to compensate for the inaccuracy. If you have a high RD you'll have a lot of rating change after each game, if you have a low RD you'll have slighter changes. Your RD doesn't just lower the more you play, but rather lowers in relationship to the RD of your current opponent. So, everything in sort of interconnected and relatively confusing."


Is it possible for members to find out the RD of a potential opponent?


If you can see their stats you can, which is only possible at platinum and diamond membership level.


I see, thanks.
