
racist abuse


user ihatemanutd  used racist and bad language


Block him and move on.


Nobody likes a tattletale.


Seriously are you like five?

ooooooh I'm telling

Grow up.

The worst part is the way you tattled was exactly like a child. Exact language


This kind of talk, killed six million jews during WWII along with my father's family.

What if I commented on 9/11, US troops in Afganistan, or called one of your family members a name? 


His behaviour was wrong and disgraceful.

But naming/shaming is nearly as bad.

Correct action: Private Message to staff.

Incorrect action: Post on forum.



@OP : You're right to make it public : that guy is a disgusting fellow.


Yes, some people here love to split hairs.


Thanks @MajorGiggles reffers to the forum for everything including abuse, I will follow your advice.

Thanks @Pulpofeira for the link, I used it already, no response so far.

Disabling chat or blocking a member does not solve the problem, as this person will continue this behavior and more members will be abused.


Sticks and stones...?


Great predictable. Someone was mad at you and said something as personal as he could with limited knowledge about you (I'm assuming he could see the flag next to your name) and blow it way the hell out of proportion.

Oh yeah. Holocaust and 9/11, let's bring that stuff up. It's extremely relevant to the situation regarding a sore loser and you. Very relevant. It's hard to believe no one else brought it up first


Jew hatred is a_l_i_v_e and well on the site.  A couple of Neo-Nazi groups popped up just a few months ago.

And players with Nazi-connotation screen names.

We have groups that refuse to play an Israeli team, and players who will forfeit a game rather than play against a suspected Jew.

That is called "bigotry."  Plain and simple.


balente wrote:

shlomoan wrote:


This kind of talk, killed six million jews during WWII along with my father's family.

What if I commented on 9/11, US troops in Afganistan, or called one of your family members a name? 



Talk did not kill your family, gas chamber did that. You can talk as much as you like but if you dont touch me, I dont care.

I have some advice for peoples who upset by rude words:

Man **** up, son.

I totally disagree. Words do hurt people.I say smash them in the mouth with a baseball bat , for a first offence. After that,kill them. It's self defence. The worst you should be charged with is littering .


and you expected exactly what from an islamic stone-age barbarian with the word "hate" in his name using an American supplied computer on line laid by American troops in a futile attempt to bring these savages into the 21st century?


Obviously that guy is a hater and broke the rules, but what has race to do with it ?

Last time I checked "israeli" referred to a nationality.

You could probably also argue he is against jews because israel obviously is a jewish state, making it about religion, and making him an anti-semite.


But neither nationality nor religion equals race, so where does that racist come from ?

Thats like calling a thief an arsonist...

balente wrote:
shlomoan wrote:

This kind of talk, killed six million jews during WWII along with my father's family.

What if I commented on 9/11, US troops in Afganistan, or called one of your family members a name? 

Talk did not kill your family, gas chamber did that.

Talk is how many ordinary Germans reinforced their own participation in the demonisation of Jews and their assistance of the Nazis in the genocide.

Language is a tool for good and for evil, notwithstanding a mindless interpretation of an oversimplistic amendment that has acquired the status of religious dogma.

Talk may not lead to so many people getting killed these days, but it certainly plays a role in some murders, such as those by racists.

Elroch wrote:

Talk is how many ordinary Germans reinforced their own participation in the demonisation of Jews and their assistance of the Nazis in the genocide.

Language is a tool for good and for evil, notwithstanding a mindless interpretation of an oversimplistic amendment that has acquired the status of religious dogma.

Talk may not lead to so many people getting killed these days, but it certainly plays a role in some murders, such as those by racists.

I agree completely. We just saw this past summer what talk can do. Propaganda--just words--confused so many people into believing that the massacre which was taking place in Gaza was "self-defence", even though everyone could see with their own eyes that it was a massacre. That is what happened in Germany when the National Socialists called the extermination of Jews, "self-defence". 


Are you talking to me?


balente wrote:

Piss off, you antisemitic nut job.


What is your problem?

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