
Ranking points


Recently  I played against an opponent that had 2369 in ranking and my ranking was 2070. I was lucky and won the game. My opponents new ranking became 2287 and my new ranking became 2093.

After some calculation we see that I gained 23 points but my opponent lost 81 points. We were expecting that my opponent only should loose 23 points - as many as I gained.

How would the descrepency be explained?


My opponent has played 96 games and I have played 56 games.


Thanks for the link. I browsed the article and it seems clear that my opponent ranking is more accurate than mine based on 96 games v. 56 games. That would imply that my gaining should be a bit higher than my opponent's loosing - just the opposite to what happened (,at least I think so).

Is it possible to get any correction?


Thanks for the advice!

It was actually my opponent that first became aware of it and notified me. I will advice him to take part of this conversation and then he may make his decision.

Thanks again for your time.


This page also explains ratings and how they work


Thanks  kohai! I am an old mathematician but your link was on an more conceptual level and a lot easier to grasp.