
rude opponent


Blacklist her ! What are u ....a commie chess player? At your rating level an ending should not be hard to find.Beside all that chess stuff " u two sound like a couple ",maybe more then meets the eye is at work ! Ah love, found in all the wrong places......


Chess has rules,this website has options. It's not like your sat waiting for that special night of chess at your local club...just click an icon and away you go again,24   7  chess,   don't get hung up on it!   Just pop in every now and then, make a move,it takes seconds...The conditional moves was a good suggestion.


I think you should send her I am sorry note. And beg for forgiveness. And ask her out on a date. :)


She might be someone he knows in real life and she's followed him from facebook and he doesen't know...hehe! That would be funny..It might even be his girlfriend on another laptop in the kitchen. watchin his reaction as she moves that damn King one more time..


Why does everyone assume it's a woman?


They don't!  He told us it was.


Why does OP continually refer to 'he' throughout post then?


there's two pages fordz


Ah yes, I guess I look pretty stupid now... Embarassed


Hang on i'll just find my hat..


No! just put a ticket in and change all your hims to hers..we've all done it..Made mistakes that is..not our hims to hers..well you can't be to sure in these forums.


LOLOL!! So,let me get this straight: you're getting mentally pwned by a girl through online chess?? HAHAHA!! That's awesome! I say kudos to this girl! I hope she wins!Smile

MoonLightKnight wrote:

LOLOL!! So,let me get this straight: you're getting mentally pwned by a girl through online chess?? HAHAHA!! That's awesome! I say kudos to this girl! I hope she wins!

Well, he would have to resign...


Then I hope he totally cracks and RESIGNS! again, LOL!  Sorry, but this is so funny to me.

ilmago napísal
senor_ananas wrote:
I am now determined to make the game as long as possible, taking the 50 moves rule into account. What do you guys think about this?

There sometimes are opponents who think they want to hope for stalemate or timeout even in such situations.

And of course, this makes a player wonder how maybe to get those opponents off their habit most quickly, or just how to end the game in the most agreeable way for oneself.

Usually, in such cases, it tends to help rather little to start talking.

The best recommendation I know of for such cases is simply: Use conditional moves!

Restrict the enemy king to two squares, by playing Rg4 or whatever, so all opponent's moves will be forced and predictable. And then enter one single conditional move line until mate.




Hi there, this is the most useful piece of advice I ever got on correspondence chess. Thank you all for your opinions, but this point is where I stopped reading this topic.


Goodbye all and more importantly - have fun in your games and life !!


 maybe she's prolonging the game hoping the internet goes down in your native land and you timeout....


What do you mean you are playing with a woman?


Just in case you want to know - I sent her a message with apologies, set the conditional moves until the mate and will do the same with the second game too. Thanks for your posts, bye.


I think that was great of you Senor! :)