
Tactics trainer question


On occassion there are very complex problems rated 800-900, such as 0035171.

The problem is rated for 3 moves, but it does not lead to any visible advantage (according to the board analysis, an advantage emerges for black only after 10+ moves). It does not lead to a mate, a mate threat, material gains or any other advantage during the problem. Are these problems intentionally created like this?


White is dead, ie; on ......Queen takes Bishop, White has Rook to h8 mate.

Only other choice for White is K to f1.    Then straightforward is Bishop takes Rook, Queen takes Queen ( what else could Black do ?), Pawn takes Queen,  King takes Bishop.    My choice then would be Rook to h2.

If White then guards his pawns with K to d1, then Rook to d2 followed by Rook to d 8 followed by pushing on the "f" pawn forcing a Queen is easy.


After this move

          ...X1. Bxf1.

White has 2 Choices: either take the bishop with the queen or play ...Kf1.

In both cases Black can play Rh1+ !! on the next move!

First line goes like this:

           ...X1. Bxf1

X2. Qxf2        Rh1#

the other one:

           ...X1. Bxf1

X2. Kf1          Rh1+  //the only chance to defend against the check is to

                              //capture the rook with the queen!

X3. Qxh1       Qxh1+

X4. Kxf2                    -> black has a queen against a white rook.

There is a 3rd variation where black is a rook up in material:

           ...X1. Bxf1

X2. Kf1          Bxe1+

X3. Qxf3        gxf3

X4. Kxe1        Rh2  -> white can resign aswell


Thank you horsesgalore and dude. I just thought this was a bit bizarre to be rated a 800. Most problems at even 1200 don't delve this deep.