
Tournament Rules

1Chessdoc wrote:

At the start of the tournament by your rules,( An TD aka player)  where not rated above >1800.  Please tell me why are you still playing, and is it iilegal for you to continue ?

This is not the place to ask a question to  AussieDJ, the TD of The Sicilian Defense tournament .

His rating of 1395 certainly makes it seem like he is unqualified to play in his own >1800 tournament.  I have no idea if that is "illegal", by standards. (His highest rating of 1499 for online chess was never even close to an 1800 rating, so it's not like he was qualified when he signed up and then fell below the standard.)

If you want to know if it is "illegal" and potentially get the whole tournament canceled, write an email to the staff.  I don't know if they will do that.

I would certainly give it a try.


I see that Aussiedj withdrew from the tournament. Did get involved or did he just withdraw after you messaged him about his "illegal" play?

I would be curious to know where to find the set of rules that would make playing in tournaments when your rating doesn't meet the minimum "illegal"-- if it this is actually "illegal" in any way under written published rules.  I couldn't find anywhere here that firmly sets down those rules.

Now the two remaining players get get down to settling the main argument over who is the  champion of the Sicialian Defense.

Oops! Your sole remaining opponent is on vacation and has 2 1/2 months of vacation left. 


You might have to wait 2 ½ months now.


Veuillez être pertinent, aider et être gentil!


I apoligize for my comments on this venue, I tried contacting chess .com staff 2 weeks ago, and got no reply.  I understand if a member's needs assistance they can only get help from staff only.....