
TT Ratings/Timer problems


I just started using the iPad app for solving Tactics Trainer problems. I've noticed that the ratings & timer settings are doing very unusual things. Regularly I will lose up to 30 points for an error in a problem (regardless of the percentage scored... ie. the error could be the first move of a sequence or the last move in a five-move sequence). On the other hand, I will regularly score only one or two points for scoring a full 100% solution. Sometimes it will score the kinds of points I'm used to (eg. +15 points for a 100% correct solution, etc) but rarely. I've also noticed that the timer sometimes has no effect in winning points (eg. sometimes the timer will have run out but I will still score points on the problem anyway). This is not the behavior I'm used to with Tactics Trainer. Is this a change to the system & something I should get used to, or is it a malfunction? Thanks.


Yeah there are still bugs in the mobile TT