
Fake new premoves


Hey chessers!

I've actually come to the point where I feel I have to make a thread about this. It is mainly directed to the staff people.

I play a lot of bullet chess on this site, and I'm a frequent user of premoves. However, a while ago the site changed the premoves so that now a premove takes 0.1 second. Earlier I think it was 0.01 which worked fine. The only result of this new change is that many games end up being won by the person that does not deserve to win. e.g. a Q+K vs K gets drawn. It's a bad change and I havent seen anyone that like the change, however I know people that have stopped playing because it's not fair anymore. I'm asking if you can change it back to what it used to be? 

Moon ;)


Thanks. I wish a staff member could comment on this.


I agree. A change like that negates the idea of pre-moving.

Either have a pre-move or don't.


There are sites where premoves cost 0.0, there are sites where premoves cost 0.1, and there are sites where premoves don't even exist. It does not matter so much.


what we actually should be worrying about instead of this first is that the lack of foundation of premoves.  What i mean is that when you start of playing in, they dont start you off with premove, it should be.


clearly it takes less than .1 sec to make a move irl


It's a hot topic among staff! I agree with you, but many don't. We will revisit the debate from time to time. Thank you!

I agree with moon. Premoves with 0 time were better Smile


This topic has been SO greatly debated in those premove trollers.
0.1 seconds is a compromise
0 second premoves would be great but it would also mean I lose a lot more since i play for time... hehehehe.

I like the 0.1 seconds. but thats not the point. The point is whether it is chesslike.
It is unchesslike to have premoves in the first place isnt it? Irl, you move fast to make the fast move. in internet, just move fast yourself, if the lag and things are working (eg lag doesnt account to your time). it might be a little slower, so then premoves are there to help you. premoves will naturally make the time you would if you were moving really fast in real life. except, maybe a bit quicker.

and so there you go, 0.1 seconds compromise. 0 seconds? if you want.


there is a HUGE difference between 0.1 and 0 seconds.

I have lost so many games. I have 2.1 seconds on my clock, that is 20 moves to checkmate my opponent. This includes random queen saccing if your opponent is low on time too. :D But its hard to checkmate like that. especially if he checks you... ugh. premove king ftw.


I say 20 moves, that is, its like k+q+soem pawns vs k and knight and some pawns or something, with me with the queen. It should be clearly won with me, just keep checking him to make him lose time too, but i have to use up my own time of 2.1 seconds to make him eitherl ose all his time, or mate him. usually I lose with that little time though

so premove of 0.1 sec and 0 sec is huge.


I like premove of 0 seconds


If you guys claim that you can actually make a move and hit your clock in real life in LESS than a tenth of a second, then you are either:

a.) a super cyborg-ninja with mad skillz, or

b.) full of horse-pucky.

The clock is there for a reason in real life and play should mimic real life play. Thats my opinion.

SavageLotus wrote:

If you guys claim that you can actually make a move and hit your clock in real life in LESS than a tenth of a second, then you are either:

a.) a super cyborg-ninja with mad skillz, or

b.) full of horse-pucky.

The clock is there for a reason in real life and play should mimic real life play. Thats my opinion.

Although you are right in the concept that should mimic real life play, I think you are missing the point. Bullet chess (for the most part) is not played in real life. People cannot premove in real life either. The whole idea of a premove is only a concept that is used online. If the time consumed for premove was 0 seconds then it would significantly impact online bullet games. Although should mimic real life situations, which it does for the most part, the whole online chess "idea" is much different than OTB play. As a result of this, online chess will never truly be able to mimic OTB play 100%.


I think that most people would agree with you UnD3r0ath.


How is iit unfair as both players have equal pre-move time?


how pre-moves work


How do you do premoves?


Oh cmon.I would say it's fair