
Puzzle hard


I had posted this puzzle awhile ago...I wonder if everyone forgot about it...Anyway, I am going to post a position, and when the right move has been stated, I post the next position, until the puzzle is solved. (No quick solutions for all you lazy people.)


i think i found it.




i don't know, i give up


Lol, well, it isn't easy, that's for sure. But black can win with mate in 5. (mate in 6 from the first position.)

chesswiz625 wrote:

Lol, well, it isn't easy, that's for sure. But black can win with mate in 5. (mate in 6 from the first position.)

I don't even see a Black win in the position you posted, let alone a mate in 6.



You are supposed to analyze the position in depth in order to know how to play the mate. I admit, white does have an escape in the initial position, but not after

1. ... Bh3  2. bxc7?

Here is the puzzle in its entirety. If you have any dignity though, you'll avoid using help feature.


This is a very cool puzzle. Did it arise in an actual game (if so, do you mind sharing). The initial position looks like it came from a KID Mar Del Plata game.


not much hard


@ vaisakh1989s

From the initial position, it would be fairly difficult to rationalize a queen sacrifice. With so much going on, the challenge would be "Can I mate his king?" If you aren't confident, you would not look for the mate, and therefore prepare to bunker in for a long endgame instead. The real question is, did you use the help feature, or solve it on your own?



The original game was "GM Lubomir Ftacnik - GM Ognjen Cvitan". Took place in Germany, 1997.


Found it, thanks!


Though doesn't 2. gxh3 save the game for white ?


Oh, I thought it was a (relatively) recent Nakamura game.

Very nice queen sac, impressive to be able to spot it from the original position (I didn't), thanks for posting.


Yep. I wish the daily puzzle would use these types of puzzles, and not the annoying ones which are so obvious I see the solution in 5 seconds or less.

NickYoung5 wrote:

Though doesn't 2. gxh3 save the game for white ?

Yes.  2 gxh3 leaves White with the advantage.  It isn't a mate in anything, unless White plays badly.

TomBarrister wrote:
NickYoung5 wrote:

Though doesn't 2. gxh3 save the game for white ?

Yes.  2 gxh3 leaves White with the advantage.  It isn't a mate in anything, unless White plays badly.

 OK guys, you gotta look into the position if you want to see. Black has the advantage after gxh3 (wins a rook and pawn for a bishop.)

But yeah, it isn't mate yet, until the mistake of any move but the one you all just described. Still, it is a puzzle where black has the advantage, and after the second move, reanalyzing leads to a mate.

Black does not have the advantage after 2 gxh3.  That's the point I'm trying to make.

1 ... Bh3
2 gxh3  Qxh3
3 Rf2 gxf2
4 Bxf2

Black's attack is over.  While Black does have the Exchange for a pawn, White has powerful pawns on the Queenside that Black needs to do something about.

4 ... cxb6

Probably better is 4 ... axb6, 5 a6! Rxa6 (5 ... bxa6, 6 dxc7 with the double threat of Qd8+ and Qd5+) 6 Rxa6 bxa6, 7 dxc7 b5, 8 Qd8+ Rf8, 9 Nd6 Bf6, 10 c8=Q Qxc8, 11 Qxc8 Rxc8, 12 Nxc8, and White is up a piece for two pawns, and likely has a win.

5 axb6 a6
6 Bf1 Qc8

The Queen is going to be harassed no matter where it goes. Moving it to e6 or d7 allows White to play Na4, followed by Nc5.

7 Na4 Bf8

Black tries to get the bad Bishop into the game.

8 Rc1

Or 8 Nc5

8 ... Qd8
9 Nc5  Qf6
10 Qd5  Qg7

Black defends the b-pawn.

11 Bh3

White gets his pieces into the game.

11 ... Nf6
12 Qd2  Kh8

Getting rid of the Bishop pin at e6, but it won't help much.

13 Bf5 Ne8

Black can't stop everything.

14 Bxg6 Qxg6
15  Nxe5 Qf6
16 Nxf7+ Qxf7 
17  d7 Nd6
18  e5

Black can't avoid losing more material.


Well of course white wins in your case! Black just sits there moving his queen 80% of the time, and his king makes a pointless move as well. Just waiting for your opponent to slaughter you while you don't remobilize fails completely! The moves Qc8 and Kh8 I find especially troubling. Those just aren't good. Qe6 appears far more useful. Now, I am going to say I think black has the advantage, being 3 points up. Replace all those pointless queen moves with something good (black moving his kingside pieces over to the queenside) and I think you'll find white, at best, will pull off a draw (though I doubt it). Besides, if you disagree, you could always take it up with Grand Master Larry Evans! (I got the puzzle/analysis from his book The 10 Most Common Chess Mistakes.) I think his word is pretty creditable.

"The only way to survive is to give up the exchange by 2.gxh3 Qxh3; 3.Rf2 gxf2; 4.Bxf2 and white must fight for a draw." (Evans 247)

Still, you could post the position in the game analysis section as well and see what the load of other members think.