
Two Move Mate: Difficult 2


Here is another puzzle from the book Award-Winning Chess Problems by Burt Hochberg. I think I'm going to make posting a new puzzle a weekly thing. So, for all you puzzle enthusiasts, you are welcome to track me. I would also appreciate peoples recommendations for puzzle collections and sources. Maybe we can get together a collection of personally created puzzles as well. Enjoy!


I got this one right. Usually problems like this I never get right.


Very nice puzzle, took a while to work out. Technically not every bishop move is met by Qe4#, since Bd4 prevents the queen from defending c4 with Qe4 and must be met by Qe2# instead.


took me two tries but i got it nice one


Very nice. I found Kd5 which is mate in 3.  I put the position in Shredder and it didnt even see the mate in 2. How funny.