
Computer challenge?


Hello, I joined about a month ago, and I found GM Challenge really interesting. But would it be possible to do the same with a computer chess program? Playing vote chess with Rybka3, Fritz or any other chess engine would be interesting. Of course he wouldn't have 24h to think, maybe 30 min is enough - and then we have 23h 30 min to vote. For anybody who think that we don't have chances - the same was done with chess engine Chessmaster 8000 and 9000, and both games ended by draw (machines had 1h to think). Maybe the biggest problem would be copyright rights, but I'm not a lawyer ;-) But it would be profit for engines authors, making their products more popular beetween chess players.


I put on a first place fair play. What could I gain if I helped by a engine chess? Nothing. I will lose my time.

