
Giving Up


Hi I've been playing chess for around 4 years now. So not really that long. I play fairly regularly both on and against my friends. And basically I just always lose. Even when a win does come about they're few and far between and I get really angry everytime I lose. It seems the more I play the worse I get. So essentially I'm thinking of just packing it in


Any Ideas and I have tried researching openings etc


Also I do have the occasional break and come back to it "refreshed" and usually win for about a week then it just goes down again


There's a menu at the top of the page, a line where it says PLAY - LEARN - SHARE - FORUMS - MORE (on the left) and HOME (on the right)

I suggest hovering your mouse over the LEARN word - and you'll find many options there to help you improve your game

Because - let's be honest - chess is a great game, but losing all the time is not much fun


[this shouldn't be in off-topic, btw]


Thanks, great advice didn't think of that....... sorry first forum


ok, i'll say a couple more things

1. It's not possible that you get worse the more you play - i think you just don't improve much, and you get disappointted by losing

2. The best way to improve, is by correcting the mistakes we make. Use your losses as a learning tool! Go over your games, and try to find where you went wrong. Try not to do the same mistakes again.




I like Coach Heisman's explanation that progress in chess depends almost equally on study, play, and game review.  If any of the three are out of balance, your progress will suffer.  Notice you haven't tried the ChessMentor yet.  A while back they came up with some great free courses to help folks get better.  I've done them and they really are well written.  Did I mention they were free?