
Global warming - an urgent problem requiring radical solution (no politics or religion)


I'll post now fester - EE and others playing around with deletions?
They're kids.
And consider that EE's crazinesses makes others look better than they are.
Anyway when you slice too thin at the top - you get misleading numbers.
Consider the top ten percent of the wealthy - not the top 0.1 % ...
Consider their control and ownership of money - income - land - business - and other property.
You'll get much more lopsided numbers than the ones you're posting.
the idea of the rich just 'giving' money to the poor is kind of a red herring too.
Many rich and many poor say that the worst thing that can be done with money is to give it to the government.
Because the government does not produce and does not make good use of money - having no competition - and wastes a lot of money.
That's true but its not the be-all and the end-all of the whole thing.
People need to have ways to get affordable medical.
People need transportation. Roads and bridges and the like.
People need military - and police. Lots of police.
Industries need regulation or they run wild.
Following the Great Depression and WW II - so many people didn't have any money. So need prevailed. Social programs. Rent control. The left in highest office 20 straight years.
Then greed and want started winning over need.
And continues to win.
But the cost of that is getting higher. Greed winning.

playerafar wrote:

"...does not produce and does not make good use of money... That's true. ..."

No, that is often not true. Building roads, providing education, law enforcement, healthcare and many other services are "productive", without question, and sometimes (not always) relatively efficiently. But this is not the place for that discussion.


Education is over-rated. 97% of school is never used in life and college is just an extortion scam targeting my generation. In fact compulsory Education should be lowered down to like the 10th grade instead of 12 with minimum passing scores dropped to 50 from 60-65. Only math and science and government/economics should be taught in high school and up. No ancient global history crap, English literature, 3 years of foreign language..etc. Marijuana shops replacing ivy league colleges would improve society. Education is mostly worthless these days and teacher salaries should be lowered.

Elroch wrote:
playerafar wrote:

"...does not produce and does not make good use of money... That's true. ..."

No, that is often not true. Building roads, providing education, law enforcement, healthcare and many other services are "productive", without question, and sometimes (not always) relatively efficiently. But this is not the place for that discussion.

Issues over the word 'productive'.
I know its often not the case Elroch.
And I qualified that later in that same post.
If you've read it further you'll notice I mentioned some of the same things you mentioned.
The point is that powerful corporations are in competition with each other and therefore are under pressure to make the most efficient use of money.
Which translates to 'effective use of man hours'.
But you'll see how this works in reverse when it comes to manmade global warming.
Especially with China. Which could almost be seen as a single corporation 'China Inc.' that wants to continue to win the battles of Industrial and Export Champion ...
Hopefully - they'll go green enough to help fix the massive manmade global warming problem that they're probably the worst offender on.


Fester - EE does less damage to threads than the Guy does.
Yes - EE also wants threads to be about him - but not as badly- doesn't work as hard at it.

EndgameEnthusiast2357 wrote:

Education is over-rated. 97% of school is never used in life and college is just an extortion scam targeting my generation. In fact compulsory Education should be lowered down to like the 10th grade instead of 12 with minimum passing scores dropped to 50 from 60-65. Only math and science and government/economics should be taught in high school and up. No ancient global history crap, English literature, 3 years of foreign language..etc. Marijuana shops replacing ivy league colleges would improve society. Education is mostly worthless these days and teacher salaries should be lowered.

Thank you for continuing to reinforce my conviction that you are not representative of your age group, or even of humans as a whole.