
Like π?


if you like pi, say pi!


lets see how many people like pi on


nice! there's 1


anyone else?


I thought it was a silly movie. Mystical numbers relations have never made sense to me.


well, i didn't mean the movie, i meant the number like 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105...


Did you like the movie?


I like apple pi.  Pi R squared?  No, pie are round.  Cake are squared.


I just love pi...

Is it any wonder that some wish to remain completely anonymous? Who is going to stand idly as a parade of clowns walks all over me for reasons they can only explain after consultation with their crystal ball? Does any of this sound insulting? Considering i only tell it like it is. To attack a person in such a manner as to leave them with no defense. For nothing. What would be a good word for that? Handing them a reputation fabricated of pure lies and expecting them to act graciously about it. Does that sound rational? "I dont know you. But i can already tell that you are; --let me see,where is my laundry list". Its a witchhunt. What? A new member joins and a reputation is superimposed based completely on assumptions and presupposition? The shadow of judgment cast over him by a hundred people simultaneously. -With but a paragraph of words all of them left completely and totally outshined.

Nobody speaks out in opposition..Because nobody's got the balls!


I don't understand, but then again I don't understand the mushroom pictures eitherLaughing

JDzokic wrote:
KingCatus wrote:

I just love pi...

Is it any wonder that some wish to remain completely anonymous? Who is going to stand idly as a parade of clowns walks all over me for reasons they can only explain after consultation with their crystal ball? Does any of this sound insulting? Considering i only tell it like it is. To attack a person in such a manner as to leave them with no defense. For nothing. What would be a good word for that? Handing them a reputation fabricated of pure lies and expecting them to act graciously about it. Does that sound rational? "I dont know you. But i can already tell that you are; --let me see,where is my laundry list". Its a witchhunt. What? A new member joins and a reputation is superimposed based completely on assumptions and presupposition? The shadow of judgment cast over him by a hundred people simultaneously. -With but a paragraph of words all of them left completely and totally outshined.

Nobody speaks out in opposition..Because nobody's got the balls!

some kind of really strange schizophrenic ranting to no one in particular...

seriously can anyone even make sense of that pile of horse shit?

Not me.


I can say a few didgits of pi off the top of my head... 3.1415926535Tongue Out




Yes, mine is bigger,lol, yes there are pictures. Of my giant cry me a river. Some psycho chick who was packing my email full of nude images of herself. To make herself feel wanted and popular. Went around saying that i was stalking her. When i found out i said "its no wonder you only have a sexlife here on and i have laughed at better looking woman than you". Admittedly not cool. But well deserved. A few days latter what seemed like the whole website was attacking my junk. What a low blow. Realty is that this girl is pathological.

And you, my mushroom friend. Run around trolling everyones threads with mushroom pictures and schizophrenic music. Its the type of behaviour that provokes this horse shit. Genius,get a life.


You've got my is like the ultimate puzzle. I cant get enough. But, im done anyway.

trysts wrote:

Did you like the movie?

so far, i haven't seen the movie, sort of want to though...


people, please stick to the epicness of pi. no nude people or cuss words please


π !

Seriously, how did you manage to post that in the title ?

Irontiger wrote:
π !

Seriously, how did you manage to post that in the title ?

do you have a numberpad on your keyboard?


if you do, hold down the ALT key then press (on your numberpad) 227 and there you have π!