
Abort/Resign Button



i played some games, rated, and some opponment aborted with white after his 3rd move. i was surprised that i didn't get the points. ok, after asking around, i heard that points are rewarded after whites' 4th move. in conclusion that means that black can still abort after blacks 3rd move (before whites 4t is played).

sounds not to complicated, and i thought, let's have a try with black. a new game started and i just pushed the a- & h-sidepawns, and wanted to abort then. what happened? after my 2nd move, the ABORT button changed into the RESIGN button. i was scared to click on it, my just-for-a-try-opening was horrible and i lost the game, 15 pts lost for nothing.

afterwards i asked again, and i got the answer that abort still works after blacks 2nd move - no matter if the button says Abort or Resign.

but, i mean.. wth, how irritating is that?
If aborting is still possible after blacks 2nd move, whyth is the button not still displaying 'Abort'?

For me this just makes sense if the button says ALL the time ABORT, until
whites' 4th move is played, no matter if you're white or black.

With best regards


The difference is that a resignation before the 4th move counts as a loss in your record, but your rating doesn't drop. If you abort it doesn't count for anything. The idea is to encourage people not to abandon a game because their opponent plays a line they don't like, but without skewing the ratings.


That makes sense somehow, but it's still irritating. When a rated game is started, you're playing for points. When you're now resigning or aborting the game, you'll do that to save your rating - in fact: for points.
It really doesn't matters how high or low your record is, as also unrated games are count.

Maybe i'm blind, but it still just makes sense to me, if the button says the same - abort, or resign - in rated games until whites' 4th move is played.


type in the chat while playin a game.


>something kool happens lol.


type in the chat while playin a game.


>something kool happens lol.


Believe the believer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Legend Paul Jansen!

Fezzik wrote:

it's also possible to abuse the system by resigning every time you get an opening you don't like, or even every time you have black!

I've mentioned this in the past and it doesn't seem to be a big enough deal for the staff to care. But it has happened


Lol. Yeah, I know what you mean. I noticed that too and tried the same thing. This paragraph made me bust out laughing.

sounds not to complicated, and i thought, let's have a try with black. a new game started and i just pushed the a- & h-sidepawns, and wanted to abort then. what happened? after my 2nd move, the ABORT button changed into the RESIGN button. i was scared to click on it, my just-for-a-try-opening was horrible and i lost the game, 15 pts lost for nothing.


I once had an abortion. Please let me know if this counts?


There is a much more full on discussion of this topic in:

Eliminate the Abort option