
Need an option to draw without points


I was currently In a game where my opponent clearly made a slip of the mouse or his move was buggy. I wanted to take his offer to draw but couldn't since it would cause deduction of points. It would be great seeing how these games are not OTB to be able to offer a draw without loss or gain of points.


The only way to do that is by playing unrated games.  If you play rated, you just have to take the risk of mouse slips, or use the submit button - which sucks in blitz. Since it isn't OTB, try to remember that the points don't really matter that much.


Good point being a rated game stakes are higher on the master level, didn't consider that side of the problem. 


If the move is "undoable" (i.e. not a capture, pawn move or castling stuff), you may just both agree to do a waiting move and go back to the original position.


If you wouldn't accept a draw because you would lose too many ratings points,  your opponent must have been rated 500 points or so below you, because a draw with someone rated within 100 points could only have cost you a few points.

I looked at your archive but I didn't see any such games.


sven great idea on the waiting move I think the game was too early for any waiting moves It was I belive the 5th move