
"Drag & Drop" sucks!


On some areas of the site I've recently found that I can't click to select a piece, then click on the square I want it to go to. I must drag and drop instead. This is a frustrating pain as I am on a MacBook Pro that constantly drops the piece on the wrong square before I get to the one I want. Both tactics trainer and the computer as opponent seem to do this. but daily puzzle works fine.

On other sites I have no problem selecting a piece and clicking on the destination square. Same on other computer chess games.

Do other people have the same problem? I'm checking for updates to Java etc but I think I'm up to date.


I wanted to post a forum topic about the same thing... but you did it before me ;), please get rid of the highlight last move (which has glitches; also, I know you can disable it, so don't tell me about it) and/or let us click+click to move pieces instead of having to drap and drop. Please. It would really help me, and most everyone else on


What? Really? 

I think I can always click the piece to select it, no matter what.

@gimme..., what actually do you what ?

MSC157 wrote:


I think I can always click the piece to select it, no matter what.

... what actually do you what ?

Really? Since the changes earlier this week, I haven't been able to select pieces to move, only drap and drop.

What actually do I what? What do you actually what me actually do what? :P

gimmewuchagot wrote:
MSC157 wrote:


I think I can always click the piece to select it, no matter what.

... what actually do you what ?

Really? Since the changes earlier this week, I haven't been able to select pieces to move, only drap and drop.

What actually do I what? What do you actually what me actually do what? :P

Hahah, my goodness, what I wrote! :) '2nd what'='want' :D


What actually do I want... I want to be able to select my pieces and click on its destination square instead of having to drap and drop! Just like before the new changes.