
Results of events


Feature Requests:

I can't find the result of the deathmatch between Dlugy and Yaacov anywhere on the site. I understand that it happened on Saturday and that it takes time to put up an article with the details (especially over the weekend). But, can we please have a page on the site that lists recently concluded events, with just the result of the event. Just so we can easily find out what happened in a particular event. It is quite common to miss an event and want to know what happened in it asap.

Secondly, while its nice that the homepage shows an alert for an event that has started on, it would be helpful if we also had an alert for an upcoming event on that day. Yes, I know there is a schedule on but an alert a few hours before would be nice too.



It's strange how an event gets pumped, like the Naka vs MVL death match, then nothing..... no post mortem, no results page, nothing anywhere. A little frustrating. The anticipation banner still flies though.