
making groups


I want to make a suggestion. The engine that create  groups is putting (par example 5 groups of 5) 1,11,16 and so on. But if you put 1,10,11 in group one and 5,6,15 and so on in group 5. It's even more honnest in my opinion. So you're counting 1,2,3,4,5 as groupsleaders and then second line would be 10,9,8,7,6 and third line 11,12,13,14,15. Offcourse I don't now how dificult it is to make this change and of people agree, so i put this in a topic!

If you use my suggestion every group has an equal amount if you count the numbers of each group up. with the method that's used now group one is 20 numbers lower than group 5.

How to make a group??????????????


group 5 7  9 12 /