
The 3 Billy Goats Gruff (2000+)


Check out the link to sign up, just 9 places remaining for what will be a highly competitive tournament. 2000+


We now have a IM player who has entered! I have invited a few other titled players... only 8 spaces left.


This will be a wonderful event! :-)


Absolutely, have to pinch myself I get to play such awesome players on here. Just waiting patiently on last confirmed entrant logging onto their a/c - a 2378 rated player.

Funnily enough the hardest part in pulling the tourney together has been the restrictive nature of having a Gold account. Makes the admin bit of things really difficult. First thing I am doing when my gold m/ship runs out in a few months time is upgrading.


I've always said diamonds are a girls best friend, even in chess! Wink


Swarovski is my best friend, wouldn't trust myself with diamonds, always losing jewellery!

Is it just me or is anyone else singing a James Bond theme song now in their heads? We have a guy at our chess club with the surname 'Goldie', if he makes a good move, I sometimes call him Goldfinger - the man with the midas touch.