
Blog Log


Greetings Shiney Happy People!

I have a new idea we're going to try: a stickied topic for Blog Update announcements. I'm going to call it the Blog Log.


I've noticed in the Notes that occasionally people announce this type of thing here, and that's okay for now because its not happening at such a volume to become annoying.

But I thought it'd be a more orderly and less intrusive way if we had a central place to... um... place these.

The reason I'm encouraging this is that when folks use their own blogs (instead of the forums here) for their original material, they have control of the comments being posted below - not so on the forums. Some people may just want to share one way, as it were and not necessarily looking for critique.


Okay, but where are our blogs?



Yours, for example, is right here:

and mine is here:

For anyone else... go to your own My Home, and in the Control Panel (box top right), there's a "Blog" button with a pad and pencil. It takes you there.

So after you update there (as Kayla has been all along but didn't even know it), come back here and let us know about it.


LOL, thanks, Writch. I didn't even know it. hahaha. Ok, then.


Hi everyone. I'm a student still in high school but I write poems in my free time and publish them on my blog which unfortunately does not get a lot of views. I just posted my newest poem on my blog. (Thank you Writch for showing me where that was) So if you're interested, head on over to and have a read. I'll probably update it with a few more of my older poems later. All comments and critiques are appreciated. Thanks everyone and I look forward to exploring the wealth of poetry and creativity that exists within this group.


This is mine: and

It's basicly a web log about the fiction that I'm working on.  They are almost the same thing. I didn't post my 2010 goals in my chess blog.


I've posted a new poem on mine which I'm planning to enter in a competition with the theme 'Life, The Universe and Everything'.


I want to share news about someone I stumbled upon in the public forums. A quick peek at her profile to find out more about this poster with a pen-mightier-than-sword yielded some suprising treasure: stories on her blog. I liked what a read and thought many of you would too, so I invited her to PWoC.

ccmambretti is a creative writer and new contributor to our group, although she is not a new contributor to creative writing.

She has started a chess themed serial novella on her blog (can I coin blogella?), which is entitled The Female World Record and so far has posted 5 parts, each with its own title like a chapter.

You might enjoy reading it in this easily digestible format as each is a perfect single-sized serving to savor while waiting between moves in your game queue.

If you like her work, there's lots more on her personal/professional blog: ; dig around there and find a favorite of mine, Chalk Ghost, a supernatural whodunnit.


I would like to do the same as what Writch did above.  ColdAsFire is our new member and I have looked at her blog and found one poem:  I like it (and her style) and I want you to have give her a warm welcome to our group.


I have found a speech about politics of fiction: I have the link in my wordpress blog, so I'm going the link here:



This is mine:

It is written in spanish but maybe you can understand the main things using a translator. Up to now it has two phoemes, a relat and two articles.


This isn't mine, and technically it's not a blog....

But its from a memoir from a (new) PWoC member that he posted on a public forum.

Well worth the time to read!


Added two stories in my blog:


XD lol i love this idea lol and i love attention! lol i like added to my blogs when i can, some more then others lol but its nice to see the views go up and up XD i actaully have a few blogs XD

My Creature Mythology Blog : I've collected information about some of the creatures in mythology and folklore that i've found cool and weird lol its one of my most popular blogs (20,062 views atm) lol its has some intresting pictures for each and short summary or info about the creature XD And it ranges from Norse mythology to Phillippine mythology, so im sure theres something for everyone XD

My Next popular blog is my "Nimo Random Post" lol it is literally random and things straight out of my thoughts lol its a collection of random information that i've found intresting to know lol some is more informational then others and im sure there things u wouldnt normally look up XD (16,893 views)

My Poems: just want i've writen over the years lol

My Mod Pictures: they are pictures i've changed or manipulated to make intresting XD i've actully turn someone's hair from aburn to black sucessfully XD or turned a zebra into a rainbow lol

My Fire Inkblots: i took pictures of fire/ flames and found that flames are like inkblots XD lol its intresting what u can make out in them XD me i found alot of wolves Xd guess i am obssessed lol

My other blogs are just generally there or locks because of private groups XD i hope u find somethign intresting about it all lol


I hope to write some more in the not so near future. The words of power is a story written much later than the rest, except for the ART of noise, which isnt  a story.


I have used my blogs for most of my shorter stuff, not my original stories, and yes, I think it is helpful with the comment things, but it is true that they don't always give very critiquing comments. I have also used pms, but those don't go out to multiple people all at once.


Ha! I tend to be a bit of a hoarder when it comes to writing...More Smaug than drunken dwarven poet. NOT a bad idea in itself though...

byronnottingham wrote:

To be frank, I've never quite understood the blog concept. I know that I certainly haven't enough output, at least not enough good stuff, to be interesting to anyone. I think the shared space of forums, such as we have here, seems like a better place to show our words. Of course, if you aim to publish, you should probably avoid both.

Please expand on your statement.. " if you aim to publish, you should probably avoid both."  Why?