
The Stables


Current Hipparchs of New Athens

  1. Hipparch Coy70 (~1650) of The Kekropis Tribe
  2. Hipparch Evergreen1 (~1650) of The Akamantis Tribe
  3. Hipparch GingerTA (~1650) of The Leontis Tribe
  4. Hipparch Vixenas (~1700) of The Akamantis Tribe
  5. Hipparch Penguin_Mania (~1700) of The Akamantis Tribe
  6. Hipparch shetosgrand2000 (~1800) of The Leontis Tribe
  7. Hipparch ChrizzzKizzz (~1850) of The Erechtheis Tribe
  8. and Hipparch hankas (~2050) of The Erechtheis Tribe

my horse and I are eager for battle ;)


Hipparch Vixenas & Hipparch Penguin_Mania --

You're assistance is called for in The First Battle of Archon shahhussainkcl Acting for The Akamantis Tribe. Please check other open battles to see if you are needed there too.

-- Archon shahhussainkcl.


Hipparch shetosgrand2000 & Hipparch hankas --

Please join The First Battle of Archon shahhussainkcl Acting for The Pandionis Tribe.

-- Archon shahhussainkcl.


Hipparchs -- Please deploy to:

Thanks -- Archon shahhussainkcl.


Ok. I don't think I'm going to lock that one then until someone >1800 is free to join it.


Hello fellow Hipparchs, please join the The First Battle of General Gopacklittlebro of The Leontis Tribe against Chess Rockerz if you have not signed in yet. I am against a rated 2000 that I looked like a joke, lol! I'm sure that Archon Shah will do something about that mismatch... Ahem I mean match if we can't balance the line up. Hope to see you there :)


Thanks for invite, now tracking.


Hipparch support required against Team Zagreb:

Chris, Can you also see about Coy70's plea just before your post? I don't think she's going to be too happy about going up against a 2000.


Hipparchs, please join here and earn glory in my name!


Hehe. Thanks Ginger. You can see from past posts that Hipparchs are resident in The Stables and are called out in the hopes that they may turn the tide of our most desperate battles in order to ensure that our city remains a secure and safe centre of civilisation.


I'm glad to hear that, Hipparch GingerTA. You might try looking through some of the earlier alerts because not all of them have been addressed. I urge you to join the troops where you are able to help. Thank you.

Actually there are two battles which could especially benefit from your presence on the field:

  1. The First Battle of General Memrickerf of The Akamantis Tribe
  2. The First Battle of General tdrake of The Erechtheis Tribe

See if you're able to help either General Memrickerf or General tdrake and hopefully both.


Hi, this is General Rafa5 and I am in need of some players with a 1600-1800 ratign to even out the match against Black Knight Chess.  They have eight players ranked over 1600.  We have two.  Thank you in advance for any help you may be in this match.  Here's a link to the match:


@Rafa5: Sorry, my rating is just too high. I will join if I lose a game in the next couple of days :-)


Hear ye! With the absence of Archon Shah, we'll keep our swords sharpened. The Kekropis tribe is ready to receive vote chess challenge/ challenges from the other tribes. Please let me know :)