EL2015 - Final Standings

EL2015 - Final Standings

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Congratulations to Team Romania - the winner of Div 1 in EL2015!

We also congratulate the winners in the other divisions:
Div 2 - Team Slovakia and Team Poland
Div 3 - Team Norway and The Albanians
Div 4 - Team Azerbaijan and Team Moldova
Div 5 - Crna Gora

Div 1 to 4



Rank Team Initial points Current Points Improvement
1 Crna Gora 1248 2077 829
2 Northern Ireland 960 1234 274
3 Team Cyprus 5372 5402 30
4 Team Faroe Islands 547 557 10
5 Team Kosovo 1128 1128 0
6 Team Channel Islands 399 399 0
7 Team Vatican City 64 64 0
8 Team San Marino 25 25 0
9 Luxembourg 10 10 0
10 Team Andorra 0 0 0
10 Liechtenstein 0 0 0

Promotions for EL2016

2 top teams in Division 2 to 4 moves up to the mediate superior division.

2 bottom teams in Division 1 moves down to the mediate lower division.

4 bottom teams in Division 2 to 3 moves down to the mediate lower division.

4 best improving teams on TM leaderboard in Division 5 moves up to mediate superior division.

Any new teams go to lowest division.

Any disqualified teams go mediate superior division.

Please note that Division 4 will be splitted up into two divisions; Div 4 and 5.
Minor exceptions in promotions for current Div 4 and 5 then has to be applied.

Complaints or questions

Any complaints or questions are to be raised before Friday 2016-01-08.


Will start by Monday 2016-01-11.
Further information will be announced/communicated separately.

Happy New Year!

BR  Johan Palmaer
EL2015 Tournament Manager

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EL2015 - Last reminder - please lock your roosters!

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