How to set up a Clubs League Match

How to set up a Clubs League Match

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1. Establish the time and date with your opponent's club admin for the match. Remember that each match will consist of a rapid and blitz segment. The blitz segment should be scheduled for 75 minutes after the rapid segment.


2. You must be an official club admin (or super-admin) to create a club match. An admin from one of the clubs should take steps 3-13 to "challenge" the other team, and an admin from the other team must "accept" the challenge (step 14).


3. Go to Live Chess ( and select "Club Match"


 4. In the drop down menu, select your club.


5. Set the match name: "Clubs League: Club A vs Club B - Rapid" - adjust "Club A" and "Club B" to your club name and opponent's club name. Repeat the same for "Clubs League: Club A vs Club B - Blitz" scheduled for 75 minutes after the rapid segment.


6. Club to challenge - find the opposing club - make sure it is the exact same club as listed here.


7. Game type: Standard


8. Rapid Time Control - Custom - 15 mins + 2 second increment. Blitz Time Control - 3 mins + 2 second increment.


9. Start Date: Match Date in your current time zone


10. Start Time: Match Time in your current time zone


11. Do not add a minimum or maximum rating


12. Do not add a minimum or maximum number of players per club or minimum # of games.


13. Click "create"


14. The opposing club's admin will have to log in to Live Chess to accept the challenge.

15. Club matches automatically pair players based on rapid/blitz ratings, and players will play two games (white/black) against the same opponent.  Each player's second game will start immediately after the first game finishes.


16. Once accepted, there will be a direct link and countdown to the match which both clubs can use to send to players to join.


17. Players will only be able to join the match up to one hour in advance. If players are late to the match, there is no way to add them in later.  It is recommended that all players show up early to the match and ensure their internet connection is stable.


18.  Players must be in the appropriate club to join the match.  Players may only play for one clubs league team per season.


19. After the match concludes, each team's club will have a direct link to the games and results on their club pages.


20. Club admins from both clubs (losing and winning team) are responsible for reporting the match results each week.


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