
French opening

Start Date: Mar 25, 2018

Finish Date: May 29, 2019

Time Control
Games Rated
Avg Rating
Rating Range
Points Available
Max Group Size
# Advance
Simultaneous Games
Completed Games
Tie Breaks
Remaining Games
Max Avg. Time/Move
# of Timeouts
Biggest Upset
This is a "No Vacation" tournament!

Minimum games played by everyone: 40, so the ratings of players should be pretty accurate, so there is a good chance of a fair and fun tournament!

Starts with 4 groups of 6, with 3 progressing from each group, so this should mean a small number of simultaneous games, but a fierce battle to make it through. 

No vacation: it'll stop one or two people holding everybody up. If you're on holiday, find an internet café every 3 days.

I hope you have a good tournament!