
Shall We Make It Unanimous !?

Start Date: Apr 24, 2015

Finish Date: May 22, 2015

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This is a "No Vacation" tournament!



  Our Figures are Slipping -- "It's very short notice--there's my pussy to consider. Who's going to let it out?"

Cold Comfort -- "You're lucky to have me at all, Captain Peacock. I had to thaw me pussy out before I came. It had been out all night."

The Think Tank -- "Well, if I'm not home on the stroke of six, my pussy goes mad."

Hoorah for the Holidays -- "Oh, Mr. Rumbold, I hope this isn't going to take long. My pussy's been locked up for eight hours."

The Hand of Fate -- "You know, animals are very psychic. I mean, the least sign of danger and my pussy's hair stands on end."

German Week -- "You know, this sort of thing just isn't fair on my pussy. She has a go at the furniture if I'm not there prompt."

New Look -- "It's a wonder I'm here at all, you know. My pussy got soakin' wet. I had to dry it out in front of the fire before I left."

Christmas Crackers -- "I hope we're not going to be late tonight. Because I've left Winston clinging to the curtain ring--he refuses to come down. The mere sight of my pussy drives him mad."

No Sale -- "Having a bath at 6 o'clock in the morning played havoc with my pussy."

Forward, Mr. Grainger -- "Well, speaking personally, I never have any trouble getting up in the morning. My pussy's just like an alarm clock. Every morning at 6:15 it drops its clockwork mouse on my pillow."

Fire Practice -- "Can we get on with it? I can't bear the sight of my pussy, standing at the door with a tin-opener in its mouth."

Fire Practice -- "Oh, I don't need a fire alarm. At the first sign of smoke, my pussy rushes into the garden and it sits on the concrete tortoise in the middle of the goldfish bowl."

The Father Christmas Affair -- "Well, I hope it's not going to take long. If I'm not home on the stroke of seven, my pussy starts clawing at my busy lizzy."

Mrs. Slocombe Expects -- "Well, the central heating broke down. I had to light the oven and hold my pussy in front."

A Change is as Good as a Rest -- "But they're all dogs! Is there no demand for mechanical pussies?"

The Old Order Changes -- "I hope this isn't going to take long, Captain Peacock. The last time I was late, a fireman had to climb out of my bedroom window and risk his life on a narrow ledge tryin' to grab hold of my pussy."

Goodbye, Mr. Grainger -- "Oh, look! It's a diamante collar for my pussy."

The Club -- "Well, if I'm to spend an evening in this club, there'll have to be accommodation for my pussy."

  As always:play well,have fun,and make some new friends.