
Chess Movie

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We have been invited to a screening of the film "Computer Chess." See message with instructions to get ticket below.


My name is Dan Hudson and I'm the Marketing/PR Associate working on COMPUTER CHESS. This is a great film that I really want as many people to come and see as possible, so I'm inviting computer programmers and chess enthusiasts from all over Seattle to come to this special screening.

This Sundance award-winner by mumblecore comedy pioneer Andrew Bujalski was shot completely on vintage video equipment, lending it a grainy authenticity. Computer Chess returns to circa 1980, where several teams of programmers face off in the ultimate game of mathematical supremacy and the beginnings of AI are heralded with just the right amount of satirical restraint.

I have set up an RSVP for FREE TICKETS, all anyone needs to do is click the link, RSVP, print it out and bring the invite to the screening:

Below is a formatted way to share it via Facebook.

Thanks! I hope to see you at the festival!

- dan

Dan Hudson - Marketing/PR Associate
Seattle International Film Festival | | 206.315.0688
SIFF Film Center | 305 Harrison St | Seattle, WA 98109

You can learn more about the movie here:

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