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We've achieved our next milestone: our team counts 51 players now!

Four of them are titled players: FM chuddog, FM CountOfMonteCristo, NM Petrosianic and NM chessking2151. But our most valuable player is ElFeroz05 (Timur Dandamaev) who has a FIDE rating of 2324 points (that's an FM-level). In our match with ACROPOLIS Timur could draw both games against a German GM. I especially liked his second game where he as black built an impenetrable wall of pawns:

Our two other valuable players are Glucifer and orenburg, they scored 4,5 and 4 points in 6 games respectively. The most impressive newbie so far is Catholic_Knight who earned 3,5 points in 4 games.

Nearly two thirds of our team are active: 29 players out of 51 current members have taken part in team matches. Our newbie cgiorgios1 has not a chance to play yet, but he joined our open match against Bobby Fischer Group:

The match against Boris Spassky Chess club is going to be a debut for swtwiesel who joined our team in December, but has not played yet:

We have players from 20 countries in our club. Half of them represent either Russia (16) or the United States (10). Vladimir Nabokov was a Russian-American novelist, so it's understandable that most of our teammates are from these two countries.

Besides we have 4 people from Canada, 3 people from Germany and 2 members from the Netherlands and Italy. We also have teammates from Ukraine, Armenia, Bulgaria, Belgium, Greece, Spain, France, Great Britain, New Zealand, Philippines, Indonesia, China and India.

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