Results from April 25

Results from April 25

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The Sacramento Pawns club hosted two online tournaments on the last Saturday of April. The first Kids & Amateurs event attracted 8 participants, most new to the club. Later in the afternoon, the fourth Pawn Storm drew 16 players, including a half dozen newcomers. Welcome everyone!

Without further ado, here are the winners of the Sac Kids & Amateurs.

  • 1st KCC5432 with 4.0 out of 4
  • =2nd Raahil5005 with 3.0
  • =2nd CoachKip with 3.0
  • Top U1000 Shadowfacts with 1.5

The Sac Pawn Storm #4 saw a new member take top honors on tiebreaks.

  • =1st mykehawke (anonymous) with 4.0 out of 5
  • =1st J3Chess24 (Javier) with 4.0
  • =3rd NM fpawn (Michael) with 3.5
  • =3rd Yash_Mago (Yash) with 3.5
  • Top U1600 kokobon (anonymous) with 3.0

The first round of the Pawn Storm followed the usual script, but with one notable exception. On board 2, young chessboi2010 survived a completely lost position, first to equalize and then to snatch his opponent's queen. Indeed, nobody ever won by resigning.

Mossyhorn channeled his inner Tony Miles in the second round, comfortably drawing a rook endgame against the top seed and defending champion NM fpawn. On the next board, the high school student showed his elementary school opponent who is daddy, pulling out the victory in a knight endgame.

Three juniors entered the third round with a perfect score: Yash_Mago, vish1080 and championps. While the first two drew by repetition in the middlegame, championps handed fpawn his first defeat in Sacramento Pawns online tournaments, outplaying the master in his pet Dutch defense. On board 3, mykehawke moved into contention by winning an apparently stale rook endgame by marching his f-pawn to the promised land. Note the huge mutual blunder on move 15 and 16.

Each week, this report highlights one interesting game between two lower rated players. Watch how gavity sacrifices an exchange to weaken white's king, then checkmates with his queen and rook.

In a battle of the unbeaten, Yash_Mago traded into a favorable rook endgame and converted without much adventure. Meanwhile on board 2, mykehawke handily scored his third straight victory after starting with a zero point bye for entering late. These results left Yash_Mago in first place with 3.5 and three players chasing him from half a point behind: mykehawke, championps and J3Chess24. 

The showdown for gold saw mykehawke build up a dominant opening advantage, eventually winning the queen for a rook and bishop. Now playing for a share of first place, J3Chess24 confidently converted a knight endgame up a pawn. Congratulations to the co-champions!

Please join us again on Saturday afternoon, May 2nd. The Kids & Amateur tournament starts at 1:30 while the Pawn Storm kicks off at the regular hour of 3:00. Be there or be square!

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