Sac Pawn Storm #1 on Saturday 3:00 PM

Sac Pawn Storm #1 on Saturday 3:00 PM

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Please join us for the inaugural club Live Tournament this Saturday afternoon. Tell your friends who live in the greater Sacramento region to join the Sacramento Pawns club. Come one, come all!

  • What: Sac Pawn Storm #1
  • When: Saturday, April 4 from 3:00 to 5:00 PM
  • Who: Open to all club members regardless of rating.
  • Where: Live Server
  • Format: 5 round Swiss in one section
  • Time control: G/10 + 3 second increment
  • USCF Rated: No
  • Entry: Free
  • Prizes: Winners to be recognized in a Sacramento Pawns club news story.

Players may join the tournament beginning one hour before the start time. Follow these instructions to join the tournament in the Live Server.

  1. Log into with your username and password.
  2. Select Live Chess under the Play menu.
  3. Click on the Tournaments tab near the upper right corner.
  4. Select Sac Pawn Storm from the list and click on the Join button.
  5. Your first game will begin automatically at the start time.
  6. Late entries are possible with 0 score for rounds missed.
  7. Under the Tournaments tab, you find Standings, Games and a Chat console.
  8. The next round begins promptly after the last game finishes.
  9. Good luck!

Direct link to this week's tournament:

If you never played blitz on, then I strongly recommend you practice for two reasons: to get a feel for the site and to establish a realistic blitz rating. Simply click on the Play tab in the Live Server and change the time control to your preference (e.g. 10 minutes).

Finally, a word of caution to the wise. Always be polite while chatting with your fellow competitors and do not cheat! has an experienced Fair Play team that catches hundreds of cheaters every single day. If you cheat, you will get caught. Plus, what's the point of dishonesty, besides the momentary glory of beating someone better than you? It ain't worth it.

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Results from April 4

Results from April 4