
Analyzing and demonstraiting

| 3 | Strategy

When you loose a game, you would think why did you loose? to know that, analyzing would be the best step for improving. Already has an analyzer, so you can easily analyze your games. Analyzing could be fun, like if you make a blunder, you can make A DİFFERENT MOVE and see what would happen. When you play a game you would simply record you move. For example, N=knight, B=bishop, R=rook, Q=queen, K=king. İf you move a piece, like you're knight to a square which is d4, you would right down Nd4. For pawns, you don't have to put a 'P'. For example, a pawn moved to c4, you would right c4.  









And if a piece captures like a rook, and the piece to capture is in like c5, you would right down R×c5. Check is + and checkmate is ++ or #.


But in a game it might happen:










You won't say N×e5 because it will be confusing. Instead, Ng×e5. 


This isn't the old notation like Kp4, it's more simple.


Back to analyzing, you would go by the moves to find your mistakes.




like science, you are told a tip but you would want to demonstrate. You would get a chess set, line them up like this,









And start doing the tips you've got. Just simply play both sides, then you would see for your self. So that's a kind of practice. 

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