
BDG 101: Part 2

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| 10 | Opening Theory

In his 1995 book on the Blackmar-Diemer Gambit, Gary Lane asked "Do you relish the prospect of setting your opponent awkward problems from the start of the game?"

And lot of times that's what you get when playing the BDG.You set your opponent up with not only awkward problems to solve but awkward positions as well.

Today we will finish looking at the Teichmann Defense with 6...Bh5. 

After the moves 1.d4 d5 2.e4 dxe4 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.f3 exf3 5.Nxf3 Bg4 6.h3 Black retreats the bishop to 6...Bh5 and White follows up with 7.g4 Bg6 and 8.Ne5



















White has occupied the centre achieving one of his opening goals. Play can continue with 8...Nbd7 challenging the knight. With will respond by removing his queen from the d-file to 9.Qf3 attacking b7 now that the bishop is no longer guarding it.

9...c6 10.Nxg6 doubling the g-pawns with 10...hxg6

White now advances the g-pawn once again chasing the knight away from guarding the black monarch and taking possion of the f-file. The knight has 3 places to go after 11.g5, 11...Ng8? 11...Nd5?!, 11...Nh5 or 11.Nh7?!

Here's a game from the 1989 Ohio State Championship

























Another way for Black to play would be 8...e6 making room for the extraction of his king's bishop. Again 9.Qf3 c6 10.g5 Nd5 centralizing the knight. 11.Bd3 sets a trap 11...Nd7. If Black plays 11...Bxd3 then his is mated with 12.Qxf7# 1-0










Part 1 

Part 3 

Part 4
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