Call of the Wild

Call of the Wild

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In this series, IM Danny Rensch and others will explore some of the fun variants offered here on This series is an introduction through game play to some of the entertaining options such as crazyhouse, chess960, king of the hill and more!

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Call Of The Wild: 3-Check vs MVL IM Daniel Rensch plays the new wild variants on in his show where anything goes. This time, world #7 Maxime Vachier-LaGrave drops by to play an amazing 3-check marathon in what could be the strongest player ever to play that variant publicly. 

MVL vs Rensch: Call Of The Wild Call of the Wild is back as IM Daniel Rensch plays ordinary members in's new wild variants—until world #6 Maxime Vachier-Lagrave drops by to give him a lesson in king of hill and 3-check. 

The Call Of The Wild: 3-7-16 Call of the Wild is back as IM Daniel Rensch plays members in's new wild variants including chess960, king of the hill, 3-check and of course crazyhouse! Its a ton of fun and some great educational experience to boot!

Call Of The Wild: 5-10-16 Call of the Wild is back as GM Simon Williams fills in for Danny and plays members in's new wild variants including chess960, king of the hill, 3-check and crazyhouse! Its a ton of fun and some great educational experience to boot! 

Call Of The Wild: 5-16-16
Call of the Wild is back as IM Daniel Rensch plays members and this time GM Hikaru Nakamura as well in's new wild variants including chess960, king of the hill, 3-check and of course crazyhouse! Its a ton of fun and some great educational experience to boot! 

Call Of The Wild: 7-11-16 Once again, Call of the Wild IM Rensch is here to play the bravest members in our wild new game variants! It's a ton of fun and some great educational experience to boot!

Call Of The Wild: Nakamura And MVL Call of the Wild is back as IM Daniel Rensch plays none other GMs Nakamura and GM MVL! in's new wild variants including chess960, king of the hill, 3-check and of course crazyhouse! Its a ton of fun and some great educational experience to boot! 

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