Fighting For Initiative

Fighting For Initiative

| 7 | Strategy

Seizing the initiative is not something that just happen. There's a strategy to gaining the initiative. However, the importance of playing aggressively doesn't justify reckless abandon. In this series, learn how to properly fight for the initiative from two of chess’ great instructors

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Fighting Chess! Today GM Gregory Kaidanov reviews two games by the highly talented and extremely creative GM Dmitry Andreikin. Though the young Russian has been known to accept a few short draws here and there, his style both over the board and in person is similar to Mikhail Tal's. The brilliance of Black's Rc5 in game one, and the foresight to sac the exchange in game two, prove that Andreikin is a beast! 

Fighting For Initative You’ve got to fight! For your right! To gain… initiative. Yes, what the Beastie Boys don’t know about chess could fill Chessbase, but fortunately for, GM Melik Khachiyan is here to show us how to fight for the initiative. Using two master-level games of his own, Khachiyan navigates quickly through sharp opening lines and offers insight into methods for maintaining initiative. 

Fighting For Initative 2 Khachiyan loves the Gruenfeld Defense. Here, he uses a recent tournament game to illustrate the moment when a player leaves opening theory and turns his attention to domination. During this lecture, we are reminded of the power of leading in development and maintaining pressure. Melik shows us that the slightest window of opportunity must be recognized to grab the advantage.

Fighting For Initiative In The French! The French Defense is considered one of the most solid options for Black, so how do you gain an initiative against it? Khachiyan shows you how he did it in a recent game versus WGM Tatev Abrahamyan. Learn Melik’s tips for using quick development to create a formidable attacking plan in this classic opening.

Fighting For Initiative In The Sicilian! Everyone knows the Sicilian Defense is a fighting opening. Both sides need to go all-in on their plans. How do you gain the initiative in such a hotly contested opening? Khachiyan reviews one of his own recent games to show you exactly the plan you need.


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