GM Gareev's 2013 US Championship

GM Gareev's 2013 US Championship

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Another day, another amazing tournament in review. This time we take a look at GM Timur Gareev's version of the 2013 U.S. Championship. A true fighter, Gareev finds himself in trouble or in stalemate on more than one occasion. Can he fight out of it? You'll have to watch to find out!

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GM Gareev's 2013 US Championship: Nothing to Lose! Number one versus number two at the 2013 U.S. Championship! Need more incentive? Gareev allows a 2750 to get two queens, yet Gareev is the one playing for mate! GM Gata Kamsky was under pressure early, then took over the seventh rank. Gareev, saying he had "nothing to lose," threw all of his remaining pieces at Kamsky. Who's idea was stronger?

GM Gareev's 2013 US Championship: Killer Opening Discoveries! How often do you see a rook pawn advancing two squares on move five? Today Gareev explains the latest opening trend in the Grunfeld. White starts off positionally, then initiates a flank attack out of nowhere. In his U.S. Championship game versus the young talent, GM Ray Robson, our author shows off the tactical melee that ensued. 

GM Gareev's 2013 US Championship: Pushing the Limits! What happens when you let GM Larry Christiansen storm the barricades? Gareev found out at the 2013 U.S. Championship when his opponent, a three-time champ, used only three pieces to rustle up an attack. After giving away his queen to reduce the pressure, Gareev pushed hard for the win even without his queen! Did his gamble pay off? Watch to find out! 

GM Gareev's 2013 US Championship: Master Your Tactics! Gareev explains his blistering round-one win in his first U.S. Championship, replete with beautiful tactics and sacrifices. Along the way, you'll learn the ins and outs of the Queen's Indian Defense, one of his favorites as of late. After winning a pawn, Gareev misses a stunning tactic that would have forced mate before move 20. He missed it in the game but still went on to win. Can you find it? 

GM Gareev's 2013 U.S. Championship: GM "X-Factors"! Using a tenacious will to win, Gareev fights for six hours at the end of a long tournament and grinds out an endgame, winning by one tempo. The game looked deadlocked for most of the middlegame, but a slight imbalance in the center gave Gareev just enough room to win a pawn. In mutual time pressure, GM Conrad Holt missed a drawing simplification, leading to an instructive queen-and-pawn endgame win for the second-seeded Gareev.

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