Krushing Tactics

Krushing Tactics

| 0 | Tactics

GM Irina Krush and IM Daniel Rensch put their tactical skill on the line in front of a live audience solving puzzles from Tactics Trainer! In this interactive show members suggest tactical ideas and our masters explain their thought process so everyone can become a tactical monster over the board!

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Krushing Tactics: 2-15-16

Krushing Tactics: 3-14-16

Krushing Tactics: 3-28-16

Krushing Tactics: 4-4-16

Krushing Tactics: 4-11-16

Krushing Tactics: 5-23-16


Can IM Rensch Defeat The Daily Puzzle? Daniel Rensch returns with his daily puzzle challenge, trying to solve one daily puzzle per minute in his marathon show. Play along with Danny as he goes up against the puzzlemaster.

35 Chess Puzzles In 35 Minutes: IM Rensch Challenge IM Daniel Rensch is back with his much-loved daily puzzle challenge, where he solves a month’s worth of chess tactics against a ticking clock. Can IM Rensch solve 35 puzzles before the timer goes off? Enjoy the suspense as the master races against the clock, and then learn from each position as IM Rensch does a comprehensive review.

Daily Puzzle Challenge: 5-31-15 It’s a daily puzzle marathon by IM Daniel Rensch! Can the master solve 30 puzzles in 30 minutes? Watch in real time as Rensch battles the machine with the clock ticking down.

Tactics Challenge: 12-19-16 How many Tactics Trainer puzzles can IM Danny Rensch solve in 15 minutes? Find out as he lets you dive into his thoughts, both right and wrong, and explains how he approaches solving.

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