Man vs Machine Historical Archive

Man vs Machine Historical Archive

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Man vs Machine matches pit humans against the strongest chess entities of all time — chess engines. As chess engines are many classes stronger than even the strongest grandmasters, all matches take place at some form of odds.

These matches illustrate the differences in human and computer "thought", offer insight into the difference in strength between humans and computers, and further research on many computer chess problems such as material imbalances.

This archive maintains a record of prior matches, outcomes, coverage, and standing records from matches hosted on or covered by Where relevant, matches not taking place on are included for archival purposes.

Kasparov versus Deep Blue (Photo: Adam Nadel/Associated Press)

In addition to the formal matches below, IM Daniel Rensch plays Komodo at various crazy blitz odds on his #ChessMonday show every two weeks, Man vs Machine.

Insane 5-knight checkmate in chess game

IM Daniel Rensch gets a rude surprise -- checkmated by a cavalry of knights. You've got to see this mate.

Posted by on Wednesday, December 2, 2015

You can watch that show every other Monday on

GM Daniel Naroditsky vs Stockfish

On July 19th 2014, Stockfish defeated GM Daniel Naroditsky, assisted by Rybka 3, by a score of 3.5-0.5. The time control was game in 45 minutes with a 30-second increment.

GM Hikaru Nakamura vs Stockfish

On August 23rd 2014, Stockfish defeated GM Hikaru Nakamura, assisted by Rybka 3 in two games, by a score of 1.5-0.5. Stockfish managed the same score at pawn odds for a total match score of 3-1. The time control was game in 45 minutes with a 30-second increment.

GM Sergei Movsesian vs Komodo

On September 9th and 10th of 2015, Komodo defeated GM Sergei Movsesian 4.5-1.5. Komodo offered material odds of pawn (f7 pawn) and move in the first four games and exchange odds in the final two games. The time control was game in 45 minutes with a 15-second increment.

GM Alexander Lenderman vs Komodo

On October 20th through the 22nd of 2015, Komodo defeated GM Alexander Lenderman 5-1. Komodo offered material odds of pawn (f7 pawn) and move in the first four games and exchange odds in the final two games.

GM Robert Hess vs Komodo

On November 11th and 12th of 2015, GM Robert Hess drew a match against Komodo 2-2. Komodo offered odds of pawn and two moves in two games and exchange and move odds in two games. The time control was game in 45 minutes with a 15-second increment.

GM Simon Williams vs. Komodo

On December 16th and 17th of 2015, GM Simon Williams drew a match against Komodo 2-2. Komodo offered odds of pawn and three moves, pawn and two moves, and exchange and move twice. The time control was game in 45 minutes with a 15-second increment.

GM Victor Mikhalevski vs Komodo

On January 2nd through the 4th of 2016, Komodo defeated GM Victor Mikhalevski 5-1. Komodo offered material odds of pawn (f7 pawn) and move twice, exchange and move twice, and two pawns twice. At odds of two pawns, Komodo offered the b2 and c2 pawns in one game and the c2 and d2 pawns in the other. The time control was game in 45 minutes with a 15-second increment.

GM Hikaru Nakamura vs Komodo

On January 6th and 7th of 2016, Komodo defeated GM Hikaru Nakamura 2.5-1.5. Komodo offered material odds of pawn and move (f7 pawn), pawn (f2 pawn), exchange, and four moves. The initial three games were drawn with Komodo winning the game at odds of four moves. The time control was game in 45 minutes with a 15-second increment.

GM Joel Benjamin vs Komodo

On March 23rd and 24th of 2016, Komodo defeated GM Joel Benjamin 2.5-1.5. Komodo offered material odds of five moves, exchange and move, pawn and two moves, and queen vs. two bishops.Komodo won the first game (five-move odds) and drew the remaining three. The time control was game in 45 minutes with a 30-second increment.

GM Eugene Perelshteyn vs Komodo

On April 19th and 20th of 2016, Komodo defeated GM Eugene Perelshteyn 3-1. Komodo offered odds of five moves and played opening blunders in the remaining three games (1.e4 e6 2.d4 Ke7?), (1.d4 g5?? 2.Bxg5), and (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Nxe5??). Komodo won games one and three and drew games two and four. The time control was game in 45 minutes with a 30-second increment.

GM Sergey Erenburg vs Komodo (Time Odds)

On June 25th and 26th of 2016, Komodo defeated Sergey Erenburg 3.5-0.5. The odds were based primarily on time. Erenburg had 90 minutes plus a 30-second increment; Komodo had three minutes plus a one-second increment. Komodo was limited to a single core. Komodo was not allowed to think on Erenburg's time. Komodo's opening book was limited to three moves. Komodo did not have access to tablebases. and finally, Erenburg had the white pieces in all games. Komodo won games one, two, and four and drew game three.

GM Sergey Erenburg vs Komodo (Two-Pawn Odds)

On July 16th and 17th of 2016, Komodo defeated GM Sergey Ereburg 3-1. Komodo offered odds of two pawns in all games. Games one and two saw the c- and e-pawns removed, game three removed d2 and e2, and game four removed e2 and f2. Komodo drew the first two games and won the last two. The time control was game in 45 minutes with a 30-second increment.

Man Versus Machine Records and Stats:

Human Victories: GM Simon Williams defeated Komodo at pawn and three moves.

Best Match Result: GMs Robert Hess and Simon Williams each drew matches against Komodo.

Computer Assisted: Stockfish has scored 5-1 in computer-assisted matches.

Pawn Odds: Komodo has drawn (0.5-0.5) in one game against GM Hikaru Nakamura.

Pawn and Move Odds: Komodo has outperformed humans by a score of 5-2. Stockfish bested Nakamura 1.5-0.5.

Pawn and Two-Move Odds: Komodo has outperformed humans by a score of 5.5-2.5.

Pawn and Three-Move Odds: Komodo has lost (0-1) a single game against GM Simon Williams.

Two Pawn Odds: Komodo has been victorious by a score of 4.5-1.5.

Four Move Odds: Komodo has won one game (1-0) against GM Hikaru Nakamura.

Five Move Odds: Komodo has been victorious in two games (2-0).

Exchange Odds: Komodo has outperformed humans 5-2.

Exchange and Move Odds: Komodo has scored 3.5-1.5.

Queen vs. Two-Bishop Odds: Komodo has won one game (1-0) against GM Joel Benjamin.

Opening Blunder (1.e4 e6 2.d4 Ke7?): Komodo has drawn one game (0.5-0.5) against GM Eugene Perelshteyn.

Opening Blunder (1.d4 g5?? 2.Bxg5): Komodo has won one game (1-0) against GM Eugene Perelshteyn.

Opening Blunder (1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Nxe5??): Komodo has drawn one game (0.5-0.5) against GM Eugene Perelshteyn.

Time Odds: Komodo scored 3.5-0.5 in a 30-1 time odds match against GM Sergey Erenburg.

Komodo's match archives are available here.

NM Sam Copeland

I'm the Head of Community for I earned the National Master title in 2012, and in 2014, I returned to my home state of South Carolina to start Strategery: Chess and Games. In late 2015, I began working for and haven't looked back since.

You can find my personal content on Twitch , Twitter , and YouTube where I further indulge my love of chess.

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