Man vs Machine

Man vs Machine

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As told by Ray Bradbury, the Matrix, and Will Smith in iRobot, artificial intelligence will one day take over the world. While this fate may be inevitable, the same can not be said for the world of chess. Watch as our chess stars take on the almighty computer in's Man vs Machine!

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GM Sergei Movsesian

GMs Alex Yermolinsky and Simon Williams present this full replay of Movsesian vs Komodo at exchange plus move odds! Will that be enough for humanity's representative to pull off a win? 

Man vs Machine: Movsesian Day One


IM Danny Rensch

Rensch takes on the world's strongest open-source chess engines in's Man vs Machine series. Can Rensch beat the computer in a variety of odds positions? Watch to find out.

Man vs Machine: Rensch vs Stockfish

Man vs Machine: Rensch vs Stockfish Odds Match

Man vs Machine: Rensch vs Komodo

Man vs Machine: Rensch vs Komodo

Man vs Machine: Rensch vs Komodo Odds Match

Man vs Machine: Rensch vs Stockfish

Man vs Machine: 01-18-16

Man vs Machine: 04-11-16

Man vs Machine: 7-18-16


GM Alex Lenderman 

Ever wonder how a world-class grandmaster would fair in material-odds games versus a 24 core, nearly 3400-rated Komodo? We have the answer for you as Lenderman pits his flesh and blood versus the ice-cold machine!

Man vs Machine: Komodo vs Lenderman 1

Man vs Machine: Komodo vs Lenderman 2

Man vs Machine: Komodo vs Lenderman 3


GM Joel Benjamin

Benjamin is an American chess legend, but will that help him against the merciless computer dragon that is the Komodo chess engine?

Man vs Machine: Benjamin vs Komodo

Man vs Machine: Benjamin vs Komodo - Round 4


GM Eugene Perelshteyn 

It's Man vs Machine at material odds, but it's not normal material odds! Instead has forced the lizard to play a terrible material-losing opening! Will that be enough for Perelshteyn for take home the win? 

Man vs Machine: GM Perelshteyn vs Komodo - Round 3

Man vs Machine: GM Perelshteyn vs Komodo - Round 4

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