Scotch with Steinitz on the Rocks
The Scotch Game has been played for many years. The first world champion, Wilhelm Steinitz (1836-1900), played the move 4...Qh4. The same Steinitz who developed the concepts of positional play, brought his queen out early. Today, due to specific lines that have been played, this is considered dubious. White can safely respond by allowing Black the opportunity to win the e-pawn in a number of specific positions. White should be able to get a better game with compensation for the pawn due to better development. The Steinitz Variation still appears providing entertainment not seeming to require organizers to fear short draws. The example presented here is from the Hastings Masters 2007/8. The most famous Hastings tournament was the world class event in 1895. Since 1920, with a pause for World War II, there has been an annual event that attracts many players.