Tackling Tactics

Tackling Tactics

| 5 | Tactics

Having trouble perfecting your study habits? Without a coach, training to perfect your chess game can feel like shooting in the dark. After all, how do you know your identifying every important concept in a position?

Your daily tactics are an important part of refining your game and staying sharp. In this series, you'll be granted the opportunity to think critically with IM Daniel Rensch. Learn more about the analytic techniques that titled players use to make the most of their study time. 

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Tackling Tactics: 2800+! Today, Rensch goes into the belly of the beast and solves Tactics Trainer puzzles live. You'll get to hear his stream of consciousness as he attempts to find the right pattern for the right problem. Since the puzzles are timed, the loquacious Rensch must talk and analyze even faster than normal. Can he boost his rating even closer to 3000, or will his verbosity cause his rating to fall out of its lofty orbit?

Tackling Tactics: 1200-1821! "You're good enough, you're smart enough, and doggone it, people like Danny." Today he raised his Tactics Trainer rating more than 600 points in 30 minutes. Wouldn't it be nice if your rating went up that quickly? Some puzzles he aces like a whiz, but he struggles with others late in the session. Listen and hear what a strong player is thinking about, and see how he self-diagnoses his weaknesses.

Tackling Tactics: 1821–2043! After tackling 2800-level and 1200-level tactics, Rensch focuses on the middle level as he tries to work his way back to master level. Watch and hear how he analyzes. He uses mostly calculation, but there is plenty of pattern recognition and even a little intuition. At the end, you'll hear his thoughts on the Tactics Trainer rating system. Do you agree or disagree? Leave your thoughts in the comments section below!

Tackling Tactics: 2043-2118! The highest-rated staff member at again puts his skills to the test. Can Rensch solve 2000+ level problems while providing his usual blend of witty and insightful analysis of his thought process? Listen as he finds some answers right away, and see which ones he misses and why. The eclectic blend of tactics keeps everyone guessing.

Tackling Tactics: 2790-2792! Rensch takes on the tactics trainer in a quest to reach a 2800 rating. Can Rensch beat the clock and the toughest puzzles on to reach this lofty plateau? Watch the video to find  Rensch’s advice on how to intuitively spot potential tactics on the board.

Tackling Tactics: 2784-2792! Rensch battles some tough puzzles in this latest Tactics Trainer live session. Listen to Rensch think out loud as he untangles the most difficult positions on the Tactics Trainer. Try to defeat the automated tactics beast yourself!

Tackling Tactics: 1200-1749! Rensch presses the reset button on Tactics Trainerand starts with a fresh rating of 1200. How quickly can he rise through the ranks and gain rating points? The Tactics Trainer is a tough grader, but Rensch explains the thought process you need to solve its puzzles. Learn what an international master is thinking when he solves tactical exercises in this instructive lesson.

Tackling Tactics: 1777-1948 Rensch continues to work his way up on the Tactics Trainer, solving puzzles and rising from 1777 to 1948. Think out loud with Rensch as you find the weakness in the enemy position and exploit it. Remember to have an awareness of the entire board so you don’t miss something important.

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