
Tactical Puzzle 1

| 8 | Tactics

You are Black in this position. You are two pawns down, and your opponent is strongly placed. What do you do in this position?? You can mate in 3 by force.

If you don't know the answer, see it down.
















Here is the answer:

As Black, you have got to counterattack. If you play a move like Nxd5 (like a normal player does) to remove the pawn deficit to one, White exchanges knights and queens with 2. Nxd5 Bxd5 3. Qxb8 R(either)xb8 and now has a strong ending, one pawn up and probably the best Black can do is to draw.

But, you don't have to try to draw when you can win in three moves:















So, is the first one great? Believe me, there are over 100 of them coming in the future!


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