The Art Of 'Tempo Moves' In Chess

The Art Of 'Tempo Moves' In Chess

| 1 | Tactics

Why title this series "The Art Of The Tempo Move In Chess"? Tempos are more than a tactical strategy. With the right finesse and calculation, tempos can subtly generate a number of different threats against your opponent.

In this five-part series, WGM Camilla Baginskaite will take a deeper look into the strategy of tempos and proper calculation. Gaining a tempo may seem like a subtle strategy. Yet if you can capitalize and force your opponent into an ill-advised position, the entire course of a game can change. 

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The Art Of 'Tempo Moves' In Chess — Part 1 Baginskaite premieres her series with a video on the topic of "forcing" or "tempo" moves in chess. She talks about the importance of always calculating every check, capture and queen attack in chess. Always follow your calculations to the end!

The Art Of 'Tempo Moves' In Chess — Part 2  For beginner players looking to sharpen their tactical skills, this video is just what you need! You'll also learn something new about the approach titled players take to forcing moves at the highest level. Baginskaite is back, and we hope you will enjoy the large variety of puzzles she has gathered for today's feature presentation. Enjoy and put your "hard hat" on because it's time to work!

The Art Of 'Tempo Moves' In Chess — Part 3 Turn up the beat and increase the tempo! Baginskaite is back with a deeper look into the importance of finding and executing tempo moves in your chess games! What exactly defines a good tempo move in chess? Clearly, not all checks and captures are created equal, so you must learn to find moves that are "in line with your goals" in the position.

The Art Of 'Tempo Moves' In Chess — Part 4  In her next installment, Baginskaite elaborates on how to "eliminate the obviously bad choices" in order to find correct and strong continuations. She reviews several positions, including a couple from her own games. Along the way, she highlights the critical ideas behind forcing chess moves. Try to solve them for yourself! 

The Art Of 'Tempo Moves' In Chess — Part 5 To wrap up her series on tempo moves, Baginskaite highlights several important positional points along with the regular onslaught of tactical trickery! She also offers advice on how to evaluate positions for those who, like her, have felt that their concrete calculation skills may not be on par with other stronger players. Enjoy this video, and apply her principles of forcing moves in your own games!

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