
Ways to win

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Here is a stategy that makes you have an edge on your oppoents. No matter if you are White or Black, you have three major goals to have an edge:Take control of the board. This is very crucial of controling space or territory. Chess is war and taking more of territory gives you a boost to win. It allows your pieces to flow and move around more. Next, when you develop your pieces ATTACK!!!!!!!! In Chess, same principles apply when your playing fighting/war games you need to attack the other side. Attacking not only puts pressure on the oppenent but also dictates the game(as long you don't make a mistake). Way to counterattack this is with your own attack or a strong defense. If you don't do either, you lose. The last idea I need to say is castle and plan for your endgame. Castling gives you an added defense for King. When you castle, it is harder for your oppoent to checkmate or do serious damage. After that position your pawns in the right places. Pawns position where your pieces can go and other oppoents pieces can go. Trade the right pieces. Knights tend to do better in closed positions because they can hop over the commrades and enemies. Bishops with their long range attack tend to do better in more open positions.If you do these three ideas and ways, you will do better in your games!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sucess is key in Chess.Money mouth

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