
Daily Match Match

Daily Match Match

| 311
| 0

Daily team match versus Rochester NY has started. Good luck everyone. Apparently, I was booted from our team due to my rating which exceeded the 1940 limit after my most recent win.  

Daily Match Challenge

Daily Match Challenge

| 350
| 7

Rochester NY has challenged Rochester MN to a daily team match (3 days per move, <1900 rating). Let me know if you are interested.

Rochester Presidents Cup on Saturday!!

Rochester Presidents Cup on Saturday!!

| 423
| 0

Please attend the Rochester Presidents Cup on Saturday from 10 AM to 5 PM at RCTC. Directions to get there: via 52N and 14E: Exit 53 will lead you to 16th street. Please follow directions to US 14 East, and when you get to 30th avenue, then tu...

Ice Harbor Chess Scholastic Tournament

Ice Harbor Chess Scholastic Tournament

| 170
| 0

Dear Chess Members,  There is a tournament in Iowa called Ice Harbor Scholastic Tournament, from 4/28-4/30 Main website- Regristration- Loc...

New Team Match

New Team Match

NM SmarterChess
| 771
| 2

We are in a new team match against Team Glasgow. If you're interested we could use some more players!