The Average Community

130 Members
Oct 18, 2024
11 Events Played

A club for average people

Feeeel free to spam 

we have VC matches and weekly tournaments so we hope u enjoy 

Hope u enjoy and then for joining if u did



Hi This is The kids only club BUT BETTER


And don't forget join to our last events trophies


- TAC vs Vietnam Study Chess

- TAC vs AkademiaszachowaAM

- TAC vs The Cheetahs of Chess

- TAC vs Chicago Style Hot Dogs

We also hold tournaments every Saturdays at about 8:30 a.m. GMT  tournaments

currently we are trying to get members so we have more of u participate in the weekly event so ty for joining

Daily Puzzle January 15, 2025 (Try to solve!)

(Note: There have been issues with posting our daily puzzles, we can solve them but on the other side of the board. Quite complicated. I (dl) tried to resolve this problem; hope it turns out to go fine soon.)
