
Need help ASAP :(

Need help ASAP :(

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Hi friends! The Minions have a match that will start on Dec. 17 but we only have 2 players! Please help :( I wish I could join but I am so busy at school and I have 140+ games. Those who have time, please join! :(

100-Member Celebration Team Match

100-Member Celebration Team Match

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Hi friends! I hope you are all fine  Our group, The Minions reached 100 members and is slowly growing! For that, I created an open team match as our celebration, and the group which accepted the open challenge is such a large and strong group s...

The minions new team matches :)

The minions new team matches :)

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Hi friends!  Please join, these matches require few players only but we are really outnumbered. Team Matches Open Matches NameOpponentPlayersRating RangeDays/MoveActionMinions are not Tigers  Team Tigers 4-6 Open 3 days View Minions love Me...

The minions team matches

The minions team matches

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Hi team! How are your games going? :D I just like to request you all to join even just at least one of these matches, pretty please? :)) If not, well it's fine, but I hope you can make it  NameOpponentPlayersRating RangeDays/MoveAction5 days...